Arcadia reader calls upon school board candidates to publicly clarify their positions

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Dear Editor:

With several candidates running for the Hamilton Heights School Board, I hope each candidate will consider sending one or more letters to The Reporter stating their position on the issues.

Hamilton Heights has evolved favorably since my school years to become the school I would consider sending my kids to (I’m an HSE grad). It is right-sized, curriculum choices are excellent and the recent reorganization and remodeling of physical facilities reveals a splendid modern school with teachers and leadership genuinely dedicated to the community. I believe a young, hardworking Heights graduate can get everything they need to attend any college of their choice if they so choose.

What I want from the candidates is an assurance that they will build on the good work that has done and not act as a wedge to open the door to infection by radical damaging sexual toxins which have infected the Hamilton East Public Library and Hamilton Southeastern Schools.

I would like to see that commitment in public, in writing, stated unambiguously, and invite the candidates to expand on that – not with platitudes and ‘soft info’ (e.g. born in the community, church you attend, name of your dog) but with specific proposals (e.g. work to increase teacher pay, formation of a high school orchestra) which serve to advance the cause of academic excellence and character development on behalf of Heights youth and therefore the community.

Terence Garrity