Fishers One seeks transparent investigation over “Defund the Police” poster display

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Dear Editor:

HSE Schools engaged a local legal counsel on Aug. 26 to oversee the inquiry into the events surrounding the treatment of Noah Shahnavaz’s family by a Fishers High School teacher.

A “Defund the Police” poster was displayed prominently in the English classroom of the younger brother of Noah Shahnavaz. Both the poster and the actions of the teacher in question created a hostile learning environment.

Fishers One stands in support of the Shahnavaz family and seeks transparency from Dr. Stokes, the HSE School Board, and FHS administration. Our community wants to know how this was allowed to happen. What can be done so no other family in our community ever has to deal with such a heartbreaking incident?

Fishers One believes our schools should be a place to unify our community. Instead, in example after example our esteemed HSE Schools are making national headlines for creating conflict, division, and disunity.

We will not forget Noah Shahnavaz and his family. Our blue porch lights and our “Support the Police” signs are proud reminders of the sacrifice he made to keep his community safe. His family deserves answers and updates concerning the investigation. Our community needs answers so we can heal and move forward together following this unfortunate and fully avoidable incident.

Fishers One encourages our school leaders to prioritize transparency surrounding this investigation by proactively providing updates and communicating outcomes in an expedient manner.

Fishers One