Noblesville Preservation Alliance will restage radio play “The War of the Worlds”

Graphic provided by Noblesville Preservation Alliance

In October of 1938, Orson Welles and the Mercury Theatre of the Air presented a broadcast that would prove to be one of the most memorable events in radio history: The War of the Worlds.

While presented as a radio play, many people thought it was a real news broadcast and widespread panic ensued. While many people were upset when they found out the truth, this broadcast showed the power of radio at that time.

On Oct. 7, the Noblesville Preservation Alliance will present a recreation of that broadcast live on stage at Preservation Hall in Noblesville. A cast of 10 or more people will be needed for the performance, and auditions will be open to the public beginning Monday, Aug 15. If you would like more information, or to schedule an audition time, send an email to

Noblesville Preservation Alliance is a non-profit organization and all donations are tax-deductible.