Misti Ray makes her case for Noblesville school board

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Dear Editor:


As a Noblesville native and proud Miller, I continue living here to raise my family. Aside from my own Noblesville education, I’ve had a child in Noblesville Schools for 22 consecutive years and counting. By the time my youngest graduates, I will have had children in our schools for 30 consecutive years!

Needless to say, over the years, I’ve seen firsthand the positive and negative changes in our school district.

As a Noblesville School Board member, my focus will be to work with the board members and new superintendent to restore trust between the school and parents/community by opening the lines of communication. Additionally, I plan to remove unnecessary political/controversial material by putting students first! When the lines of communication and trust are improved, the result is a stronger academic foundation enhanced with parental involvement. Further focus is to remove unnecessary administrative policies from teachers and support our teachers and staff on all levels.

As a successful Realtor, I know the priority parents place on education when deciding where to live and raise their family. Education is foremost when searching for a place to call home.

In addition to my 14-year career as a Realtor and a working mother for 27 years, I have volunteered in the following capacities:

  • Served in multiple roles on the preschool board for Noblesville First United Methodist Church, including Board President
  • Taught VBS at Noblesville First United Methodist Church
  • Volunteered in a variety of ways throughout our school district
  • Chaired various events in our elementary and middle school
  • Served in multiple roles on PTO including President at NWMS
  • Served in multiple roles on HOA Board including President
  • Served several years on the board for Noblesville Elementary Football League, including President.
  • Noblesville Schools substitute teacher for more than five years
  • Served on the Reading Curriculum Review Committee for Noblesville Schools in 2018
  • Miller Ambassador Academy Graduate 2017-2018

With each and every opportunity to volunteer, one goal always remains: positive change for the children.

As a Noblesville Miller through and through, it would be an honor to serve on the Noblesville School Board!

Misti Ray
