Mothers & their children need more support

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Dear Editor:

The abortion issue will soon be discussed in our Indiana Legislative session on Monday, the 25th of July. Reading both articles from Senators Ford and Walker highlights what Hoosiers can expect from the upcoming session.

In Senator Walker’s article he ended it with a Background finale of Indiana’s current law. At the very bottom was the statement, “criminal penalties for those who coerce a woman to have an abortion.” How many Hoosiers are aware of this?

On this issue, I pondered who these persons would be to coerce a woman to get an abortion; most likely it would be the other side of the equation of this pregnancy – the father. Others involved could also be parents of an underaged girl.

But let’s look through the lens of the father who is involved. Why would he support ending the life of his baby? Would it be he was “found out” by his peers and family or would it be an 18-year of responsibility, or both? A lot of fathers of unwanted babies “hit the road” and run away from supporting the mother and child.

I would suggest our Indiana lawmakers include within this new bill that the father of the baby must support the mother and child at least 50 percent if the mother of the child decides to continue her pregnancy.

As Hoosiers, we must turn the tide of opinion of abortion availability to support-ability of the mother and unborn child.

Mari Briggs
