Read Sweetie’s story, help other pets

McMahon poses with Sweetie, the inspiration for her book. (Photo provided)

Noblesville author Sharon McMahon will sign copies of her book, “Sweetie’s Scars: A Journey of Hurt, Hope, and Healing” from noon to 2 p.m. this Saturday, Nov. 18 at the PetSmart Store in Noblesville.

McMahon states that 100 percent of the proceeds of the book sales will go directly to the Humane Society for Hamilton County, in a special fund she initiated titled “Sweetie’s Rainbow Fund.” The Fund is administered by the Humane Society to assist prospective adopters who wish to adopt a senior dog or cat which has been injured or is experiencing an acute medical situation.

“November marks the one year anniversary of our losing our Sweetie, a brave and precious dog who found hope and healing and was greatly loved by our family,” McMahon said. “I hope that anyone who is interested in purchasing the book, priced at $5, will stop by PetSmart this Saturday. The book is also available on Amazon.”