The Chris Center needs your support to keep improving teen mental health

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Dear Editor:

As we hit our one-year mark as a 501(c)(3) organization, I see how much we have accomplished, and I am so thankful for all the people around me and the donations that give hope to The Chris Center (TCC) in achieving its mission.

Our innovative approach to teen wellness is having a positive impact, and with nearly 300 teen participation hours to date, we are growing fast! April and May have been extremely busy, launching our spring session of the Alpaca Adventure Program and nurturing our relationship between the teens at University High School and our amazing PAWS Dog Therapy Team.

We are organizing several fun events, including Walking for Dreams, a fun family walk, “Divot Divas,” an all-female golf event, and our signature fundraising Gala event in November. I hope you can attend one or more of these events. If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities, please email Marketing and Development Officer Adele Smith at

Our pilot program at University High School using our PAWS Therapy Dog Teams is a huge success, and we are looking forward to being with the teens at finals week in late May. Watch out for more details. We also have other schools in the area who want to work with us and our PAWS therapy dog teams next school year.

Demand for our spring session of the Alpaca Adventure Program outstripped our capacity! The program gives teens a chance to learn wellness and mindfulness skills while enjoying nature and our loving alpacas – Coco, Sunny, Rusty and Pepper – of Stone Farm. We are excited that word has spread about the benefits of this program.

We can’t solve the teen mental health crisis overnight. Together we must act consistently, and conscientiously to confront the issue. Join our special community of TCC donors who are committed to providing hope to our community teens.

Make a difference!

Nancy Elbert

CEO and Founder

The Chris Center