Students, community collaborate to beautify Noblesville High School

Two Noblesville High School students ready garden beds for flowers on Monday. (Photo provided by Noblesville Schools)

Courtyard makeover activates NHS space for first time in 25 years

Thanks in part to the Noblesville Lions Club and the City of Noblesville Urban Forestry Tree Board, a Noblesville High School (NHS) courtyard is getting a makeover and will be activated for use for the first time since the school was built in 1996.

Lions Club and Tree Board volunteers joined approximately 40 NHS students on Monday for the beautification project.

Students representing the school’s Leo Club, Conservation Club, AP Environmental Science class, Student Government and National Honor Society worked alongside community volunteers to plant redbud trees, ready garden beds for flowers, and place benches made from hundreds of pounds of recycled plastic bottle caps.

The trees and plants were funded thanks to a $1,200 grant from the state and local Lions Club chapters, with a portion of the garden supplies donated by Noblesville Ace Hardware.


“This outdoor space was not originally designed to be used by students but activating it for use has been a long time wish for many,” said NHS Assistant Principal Dan Swafford. “Our junior class leadership made a formal presentation to the administration on how the space could be used. Thanks to their efforts, the grant funding, and safety technology we’ve been able to install, students and staff will now be able to enjoy the area between classes and use the space for meetings and relaxation.”

The courtyard will also be decorated with student art and woodworking students will enhance the raised garden beds. Teachers have been growing seedlings, designing art sculptures, making recycled benches and planning water irrigation systems in support of the efforts.

“This project has been exciting for our students and staff and is a great collaboration between the community and Noblesville High School,” Swafford added. “I hope the fresh air and natural beauty will be enjoyed for many years to come.”

Photos provided by Noblesville Schools