Concerned citizens take to Noblesville streets to say “Don’t Leave it to Beaver”

Reporter photos by Stu Clampitt

Concerned citizens who do not support the Beaver gravel pit took the opportunity Tuesday afternoon to share their message in downtown Noblesville. (From left) Rodney Schmidt, Beth DeSalvo, Olivia DeSalvo (and Traci Preble, who was hiding behind her sign) were kind enough to take a moment to pose for the Reporter’s camera during Primary Election Day voting in Noblesville.

1 Comment on "Concerned citizens take to Noblesville streets to say “Don’t Leave it to Beaver”"

  1. Becky Meredith | May 4, 2022 at 8:08 am |

    I am with them on this we do not need another gravel pit in Noblesville especially in a residential area drive down River Road and see what it’s going to do to that area the fort, the dustbin the area , the property value going down on the residential areas all around there The fact there will be even more heavy trucks going up and down the roads, tearing up the roads that people travel all the time. People who are trying to stay healthy but already have trouble breathing will no longer be able to walk Potters Bridge area or forest Park because of everything that’s going to be in the air. It’s going to affect the swimming pool at the park and the kids playing in the park too I SAY NO TO LETTING BEAVER RUIN NOBLESVILLE THIS WAY!!!!!!

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