Let’s go “All IN” on volunteering   


United in Purpose

Did you know April is National Volunteer Month?

More specifically, April 17-23 this year is National Volunteer Week.

Many may remember President George H.W. Bush’s 1989 inaugural address, in which he shared a vision for “1,000 points of light” to inspire and energize volunteerism in America – neighbors helping neighbors. President Bush also established April as National Volunteer Month, dedicated to encouraging community engagement and honoring how volunteers create impact in our local community.

Many volunteer opportunities were halted during the coronavirus pandemic, which negatively affected community organizations that depend on the support of volunteers. For some organizations, it meant cutting back on services or increasing operational costs to pay for services previously done by volunteers.

As we began to emerge last year, United Way of Central Indiana launched its first Go All IN Day, an organized, community-wide day of volunteering. It was an enormous success, with over 70 projects completed by more than 500 volunteers across our seven-county service area, including right here in Hamilton County.

This year’s Go All IN Day sponsored by WRTV is June 24, and I encourage you to volunteer with co-workers, friends, family – or by yourself – in celebration of the strength and resilience of our community.

There will be a variety of volunteer projects across Hamilton County and Central Indiana, including indoor, outdoor, in-person, virtual, all-day, hour-long and family projects. The key is to lean in to support our community.

The benefits of volunteering are immense: It supports organizations doing the challenging work, and it supports our neighbors who may be struggling. Right here in Hamilton County, one in four families face these financial struggles.

And as an active volunteer myself, I can tell you volunteering also supports positive mental health because it just feels good to give back!

If you have ever volunteered or are currently volunteering: Thank you. And if you know someone who volunteers, please thank them as well. Our community is strengthened by the willingness of others to give back.

I encourage you to join hundreds of volunteers and local nonprofits across our community on June 24 in “going all out” on Go All IN Day. You can learn more and sign up to volunteer at goallinday.com. If you cannot join us that day but are looking for volunteer opportunities, visit volunteercentralindiana.org. There, you can search by date, location and your interests to find year-round options that are the right fit for you.

As our mission statement says, United Way is committed to supporting initiatives that allow Central Indiana to be a community where people thrive, neighbors care for each other and we are proud of all our residents’ quality of life. Volunteering is one way to help achieve this vision.

Aaron Gore is United Way of Central Indiana’s community relations director for Boone and Hamilton counties. You can reach him at Aaron.Gore@uwci.org.