County residents offering ideas on future of Wm. Conner wallet

In the April 3 edition of the Reporter, we brought you the story of the discovery of a wallet originally owned by William Conner and John D. Stephenson.

Steve and Lori Schwartz, themselves avid history buffs and collectors of local artifacts, gave the Reporter an exclusive look at the wallet and how it came into their possession. The Schwartzes want the wallet to be accessible to everyone in the county, and they have asked for readers of this newspaper to help decide the wallet’s new home.

So far, several people have offered their thoughts on where the wallet should go.

Responses have included the following:

  • Any local library
  • A separate historical museum at Conner Prairie
  • The Pendleton Historical Museum, which could serve as prototype for a Hamilton County Historical Museum
  • The Carmel Clay Historical Society
  • Steve Schwartz suggested a display at the Government and Judicial Center in Noblesville.

Of course, nothing has been decided at this point. So, we still want to hear your thoughts. Check out the blue box above and submit your suggestion.

Hamilton County loves its history. Be a part of preserving it.

1 Comment on "County residents offering ideas on future of Wm. Conner wallet"

  1. Dorothy J Young | April 15, 2022 at 6:35 pm |

    We currently have the Hamilton County Historical Society’s Museum of History in the old Sheriff’s house and old jail on the courthouse square, we would be glad to help Mr. Schwartz with housing the William Conner wallet or at least give him some help deciding it’s future, which should remain in Hamilton County. This is a wonderful discovery.

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