Illinois reader: Unprecedented opportunity for American unity

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Dear Editor:

Since 1972, my first year voting for president, there have been three elections between candidates considered polar opposites: Nixon/McGovern 1972, Reagan/Mondale 1984, and Bush (Sr.)/Dukakis 1988. In each case, I could have lived with the candidate I didn’t vote for. I never took an “If-my-guy-doesn’t-win-I’m-leaving-the-country” stand.

It’s hard to imagine anyone guiding America through the first Gulf War better than George H. W. Bush did, but I believe Michael Dukakis would have provided steady leadership too. I never feared apocalyptic consequences if my man lost. Back then, by most accounts, both parties proffered reasonably decent human beings.

I miss those days.

President Ronald Reagan and the late House Speaker Thomas “Tip” O. Neill, despite their vastly differing views, worked together to pass the Tax Reform Act of 1986. O’Neill was arguably as liberal as Reagan was conservative. How did they accomplish anything? What, in their often-contentious relationship, enabled them to succeed where our current leaders fail?

Pragmatism? Compromise? How about playing well with others?

Office holders, particularly the loyal opposition, are more determined to sabotage the other party’s agenda than achieve bipartisan progress. Worse, it’s an effective strategy.

Thanks to Russia, America has a chance to demonstrate unity at home and exercise leadership abroad. Nations who thought we had lost our way are helping us neutralize Russia in Ukraine. Even today, no enemy wants to confront a united America.

President Biden and Congress, this is your moment. Don’t blow it.

Jim Newton

Itasca, Ill.

1 Comment on "Illinois reader: Unprecedented opportunity for American unity"

  1. Terry Denton Wade | March 26, 2022 at 9:56 am |

    Joe Biden does not care about unity. He is fixated on Climate Change and in the process, is destroying our oil, gas & coal industries and the rest of our economy. He is weak and senile, our enemies know that and are taking advantage.

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