It’s good to be a Carmel firefighter

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Dear Editor:

If your kids say they want to be firemen when they grow up, you should encourage the kids greatly. Especially if you live in Carmel.

In 2021, according to Carmel city data, 20 city employees made more than the mayor. Fifteen of them firefighters.

The mayor’s salary was $154,797. One firefighter made $207,763. The fire chief only made $155,369.

A year earlier when the mayor made $4,000 more, 11 persons made more. Eight were firefighters.

We don’t know if fighting fires made Carmel safer. Nor is it known how the fire department has been doing.

The last departmental annual report available to the public covered the Year 2013.

What these folks made off-duty also is unknown.

Nor is it known what the mayor pocketed from his speeches and appearances as President Biden’s local government advisory committeeman for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

We do know wanting to be a firefighter ain’t all that bad.

Bill Shaffer
