Rep. Spartz introduces bipartisan resolution to investigate war crimes committed by Putin’s military commanders

This week, Rep. Victoria Spartz (R-Ind.), along with Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio) and over 70 of her colleagues introduced H. Res. 963 supporting investigation into war crimes in the International Criminal Court committed by President Putin and his military commanders. This resolution is also co-led by Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Chris Coons (D-Del.) in the Senate.


“Military commanders who are willing to obey orders to purposely kill innocent civilians should be held accountable as much as the person who makes these orders,” Rep. Spartz said. “My colleagues and I would like to express our support for holding these generals accountable in The Hague.”

“Putin the war criminal has long pillaged and murdered those whose love for freedom offends him,” Rep. Kaptur said. “The great wars of the 20th century taught us that an attack on Liberty anywhere is an attack on Liberty everywhere. Right now, Ukraine’s battle is the world’s battle. The United States and our allies around the globe have an obligation to defend Ukraine from the carnage Putin has unleashed.”

Click here to watch Rep. Spartz’ remarks on this issue.