Girl Scouts, Ivy Tech partner to offer Information Technology spring break camp

Girl Scouts of Central Indiana and Ivy Tech Hamilton County have partnered to offer Cadette-Level Girl Scouts, as well as Non-Girl Scouts (grades 6-8), an opportunity to spend a week discovering the exciting world of informational technology (IT).

Attendees will spend time in the state-of-the-art technology labs at Ivy Tech’s Noblesville campus, located at 300 N. 17th St., exploring today’s trending topics like cybersecurity, coding, and robotics with the help of some of Indiana’s tech leaders.

Girl Scout members will also have an opportunity to earn related badges, including a STEM Career Exploration badge.

The camp will take place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day from Monday, April 4 to Friday, April 8.

The cost of the camp is $135 per Girl Scout Cadette and $170 per Non-Girl Scout (grade 6-8).

Click here to register now.

This program is supported by a grant from the Hamilton County Community Foundation, an affiliate of Central Indiana Community Foundation.