Learn your rights at 8-week Constitution Course in Sheridan

Former Sheridan resident John Holmes is starting a new Constitution Course at the Sheridan Historical Society Museum beginning Wednesday, March 2.

This will be the first of eight weekly sessions being taught on consecutive Wednesday evenings at 6 p.m. You are invited to attend and see if it is of interest to you.

This is a series of professionally produced videos with group discussion sessions geared to current relevant topics. Five of this program series have been taught over the past several months and participants report they have learned much about their Constitutional rights and the government’s responsibilities as intended by our founding fathers.

It is a fast-paced, educational, inspirational, apolitical course you will enjoy. It is free to attend and there is also an optional workbook you can purchase for $20 if desired. Each session is stand alone in content, so if you can’t attend all the sessions, you will not get lost and fall behind.

Please come and check it out at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, March 2 at the Museum, located at 315 S. Main St. in beautiful uptown Sheridan.