Westfield reader unhappy with city council’s ‘delayed’ actions on road construction

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Dear Editor:

Only months ago, the Westfield City Council voted to delay the construction of a roundabout at 169th Street and Carey Road, along with safety improvements at 151st Street and Oak Road. Funding to crack seal our roads was also reduced, right before winter. While I personally disagreed with these decisions, I’m aware of the challenge councils face when balancing citizens’ needs against available funding.

Therefore, I was shocked at the Jan. 24 council meeting when a friend of the councilors expressed a complaint about her roads, and the matter became a top priority. Councilors immediately questioned the director of Public Works, asking when the roads would be upgraded: Can we clear cut those trees to speed things up? Can we move forward funding from 2023 to make it happen this year? We want this ASAP!

Delayed road projects for all of us, but an early upgrade for their friends?

Road work should be prioritized based on areas of greatest need, not the desires of friends and donors. I’m disappointed to see that’s not how things work in Westfield. Unfortunately, the rest of us have been left in “disrepair.”

Neil Koglin


2 Comments on "Westfield reader unhappy with city council’s ‘delayed’ actions on road construction"

  1. Dan Montgomery | February 9, 2022 at 9:54 am |

    LOL, this is how the single party system works. If you want transparency and balanced decision making stop blindly pulling the big R.

    FYI the budget struggles are likely due to the Mayor’s legal expenses way way way exceeding the budget

  2. Single party indeed.
    Truth is the vast majority of voters in Hamilton county ( & most of Indiana ) would sooner chew off their own arm than vote for anyone other than a self-proclaimed conservative republican.
    Evidence of such ; If remembering correctly, Richard Mourdock carried Hamilton county even after his ‘ pregnancy from rape is God’s will ‘ comments. Yuk squared.

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