Weingarten: Much like politicians, House 1134 lacks all common sense

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Dear Editor:

House Bill 1134 opens the door to end education and turn schools into political machines depending who is in power.

Right now, it bans “divisive concepts” that starts to include almost everything if someone objects.

It requires teachers to post materials on a website for parents to inspect. They can then object to anything they feel is uncomfortable. Based on our current political divisive trend no matter what I say someone will find it psychologically distressful and then can sue the school if they don’t remove it.

I believe our schools should teach about the Holocaust, but I am certain someone who is anti-Semitic will object. Someone will object to what every President did during their term in office; OK, remove all history about Presidents. What’s next? Everything.

It also allows the Secretary of Education revoke a license if a teacher, principal or superintendent or other employee violates the law. This in the long run would allow a political party in power to get rid of any teacher from the other party. Sounds a lot like communism. Oh no, I would be fired for saying that.

This bill is totally ill-conceived to fix something that is not broken. It totally lacks something our current politicians seem to be lacking: common sense.

Joe Weingarten
