Westfield Washington Schools suspends individual contact tracing notifications


Editor’s note: The following message was sent to the Westfield Washington Schools community on Friday afternoon.

In accordance with an update to school guidelines provided by the Indiana Department of Health, effective immediately, we will no longer send individual notifications for contact tracing as long as the district remains fully masked. As of this update, the state will no longer report the number of students quarantined, so our district reporting will reflect that also.

We strongly encourage you to monitor your children daily and keep them home if they show any signs of illness – COVID-19 or otherwise. Per our current policy, the district-wide mask mandate will remain in place until all nine schools report a positivity rate of 1 percent or lower.

Please continue to notify your child’s school and a medical professional if your child tests positive for the virus and follow the CDC quarantine and isolation guidelines. We will continue to update our COVID-19 dashboard weekly and report our building-level positivity rates.

Thank you for your understanding as we work through this unique time together.