Christmastime snapshots around Hamilton County

Photos by Stu Clampitt & Heather Souder

Hamilton County’s Christmas spirit came out in force on Saturday with events across the map,
and your Hometown Newspaper captured as many as time allowed. A few snapshots are above and you can find more from Arcadia, Atlanta, Cicero, and Westfield in four different photo scrolls below. Thanks for reading the Reporter!

Christmas spirit spills into the streets in Arcadia

Small-town Christmas, big holiday spirit in Atlanta

Cicero puts Christmas on parade

Welcome to Christmas, Westfield style

Merry Christmas, Hamilton County!

1 Comment on "Christmastime snapshots around Hamilton County"

  1. Mari Briggs | December 6, 2021 at 8:06 am |

    Wow, what a spectacular HCR issue! Hamilton County towns and cities really exploded in Christmas celebrations and it is much needed after last year’s “lock down”. Thank you Reporter for sharing all the colorful photos of the many smiling and happy Hamilton County residents!

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