Noblesville author releases first book

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“College Boys” details America’s shrinking male collegiate population


According to local author Jack C. Kreman, the country’s young men and boys are being left behind.

As the latest figures available confirm, men now comprise barely 40 percent of all college students. What has caused this dramatic shift in enrollment? How are men being limited from achieving success in education? What impact are these undereducated men having on society? The answers to these important questions form the basis of a new book by Kremen, a Noblesville native.


The damage doesn’t extend to just young men and boys. All members of society – wives, mothers, daughters, sons and even community members suffer from the undereducation of young men and boys. Kreman’s first book, College Boys, is necessary reading for anyone raising young men and those who love them.

“Our boys and men deserve the best and our women and girls deserve the best our young men can give them,” Kreman wrote in his book.

College Boys is available online at Amazon or directly by emailing the author.

For more information, please visit

About the author

Jack C. Kreman is a life-long champion for men and men’s causes. In his current role as the Chief Executive Officer of Delta Tau Delta Fraternity, Kreman has a front-row seat to today’s college environment – and its shortcomings. He resides in Noblesville with his family. To become part of the conversation or to relate your story, contact he at