Sheridan fourth graders visit Historical Society Museum

Volunteer museum guide Fred Sturdevant talks about the 1908 Black motorcar display with a fourth-grade student visitor. (Photo provided)


Sheridan Historical Society Vice President

Every year – except for last year – Sheridan fourth graders make a field trip uptown to visit three locations: the library, Veterans Park, and the Historical Society’s Museum.

At the library, the children learn about Andrew Carnegie’s gift to the global public library movement and other related library facts and famous people. At the park, they learn about early pioneer life like making cider and shelling corn. At the museum they get to see all the displays of old-fashioned stuff.

Library people take care of the library end of the field trip and Sheridan Historical Society people take care of the park portion and the museum portion. This year saw four classrooms with chaperones and teachers, along with 89 fourth graders making the trek.

Sheridan Historical Society volunteers are always eager to show off the new Stephenson Family Cultural Center and museum to community members, including children. Fourth graders spend their academic year studying Indiana history and it is important for them to see the role that Sheridan people, businesses and organizations have played in the development of the local community.

The museum is located at 315 S. Main St. in beautiful uptown Sheridan. Normal visiting hours are 1 to 4 p.m. on Tuesday and Friday afternoons. The museum can be open by appointment if you call ahead at (317) 758-5054 and make arrangements. The Cultural Center can also accommodate small groups for meetings and catered meals.