Sheridan reader says student “hit the nail on the head” in recent column

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Dear Editor:

During the school year, the Hamilton County Reporter shares the opportunity for Sheridan High School’s sophomore English class taught by Abby Williams to express opinions of many current events and issues of today.

The recent column written by student Alma Mason – “Does GenZ hate free speech?” – hit the nail on the head on the issue of disagreement of social and political issues. She clearly explained her generation’s inheritance of gentle parenting practices and how that affects how her generation reacts from disagreement of opinions within our social society. She points out how censoring started from college campuses – and I might also add the MSM.

To my dismay, she pointed out some teachers would shut down a discussion “due to their own beliefs in what is correct.” But other teachers allowed the discussion. To solve any problem, it is important to allow all involved to speak with respectful attention to what they have to say and Mason perpetuated this toward the end of her column.

Thank you, Alma, for your column pointing out a solution to a created problem from a portion of our society who continues to not listen to others points of view.

Does Sheridan have an official Debate Team? If not, I would recommend this and to other high schools in Hamilton County.

Mari Briggs
