Worrell: Shaffer wrong to use Rotarians to fabricate his narrative

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Dear Editor:

I am writing to defend the Rotary Club of Carmel against the disparaging remarks by serial letter writer William Shaffer in his Sept. 17 letter, “Shaffer to Brainard: Taking responsibility is your job.”

While I expect him to routinely kick the Mayor of Carmel in the teeth and constantly complain about his own hometown, I was surprised to see him project his bitter nature onto the upstanding men and women of the Rotary Club of Carmel. In essence, Mr. Shaffer presumes the Rotary Club of Carmel would react out of vindictiveness, just as he might have.

The complete opposite is true. Mr. Shaffer states in his letter, “Carmel Rotary Club members will think twice before volunteering to stage CarmelFest 2022 or any other civic amusement dependent upon volunteers.”

Not the Rotarians I know. Unlike Mr. Shaffer, Carmel Rotarians are civic minded, love their community and work hard on its behalf, root FOR the city, not against, and would not punish citizens and their neighbors by holding back because of a disagreement. But, as is the case with most of Mr. Shaffer’s writing, he is fabricating a narrative and carelessly decided to use Rotarians as a prop in his tale of woe.

Thank goodness Rotary Club of Carmel is hard at work planning for CarmelFest 2022, and Mr. Shaffer once again, does not know what he is writing about.

Jeff Worrell

Member, Rotary Club of Carmel

1 Comment on "Worrell: Shaffer wrong to use Rotarians to fabricate his narrative"

  1. AN elected official insulting a citizen. You could have disagreed civilly, but not you got ugly about it. Maybe you should confess to everyone here how you drug the guy in for a “chat” about his views on your city spending, only to surprise him with video equipment at the ready. If you’re going to take a new ugly tack of attacking your constituents, I’ll add you to my list of people whom I will work to reduce your votes. Ron Carter used to insult voters. Look where he wound up.

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