Cicero reader has several questions about town pool

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Dear Editor:

It’s been awhile and I note the postings of minutes is not up to date, but I have reviewed the most recent posted minutes of meetings in July and early August. I was surprised and flabbergasted that the suggested survey results are apparently meaningless when considering amenities for taxpaying residents.

When was Cicero pool really permanently closed? Three or so years ago? Has this shenanigan and shell game been ongoing for the past 24 to 36 months or longer?

Per the minutes Dan Strong stated to Mr. Kelso, the pool was permanently closed and nothing in any posted minutes reviewed by me suggest any realistic or known actual repair cost figure or any cost for a replacement pool was ever submitted or discussed in the Cicero Council; just that pool was permanently closed and no pool will be considered as was suggested by your votes, regardless of the fact that 56.31 percent of the 760 respondents to your survey used the pool. Mathematical trending regardless of the small sample size may suggest that a taxpaying majority may desire using and having the pool.

It appears the consensus of the existing Cicero Council has no interest in any pool regardless.

Could it be staffing and real, required, and perpetual maintenance are the real issues? Why were the taxpayers not advised of your July decision and when is the demo going to start if it’s no longer a viable amenity for Cicero taxpayers?

In the opinion of many, the existing and current state the pool is an eyesore and hazard! Maybe during the past few years of closure and inactivity the facility was best used as a vermin and mosquito harvesting pit or location, as the casual observer has noticed no effort has been used to salvage and reopen this facility.

From me and many others in Jackson Township, including Cicero and the Hamilton Heights community, we feel the need for a Cicero pool that may or likely include a splash pad, but not a solo splash pad. A city pool is needed in the Cicero community as was suggested by many others who rendered their time and opinions concerning the public pool, Cicero Parks and Amenities.

Where is the real hard figure for repairs? Replacement? Or is the town run on opinions and limited detail unless the engineering department is involved?

The work on the Little League Ball Diamonds is a great positive step and will improve and expand the diamond/facility use as well as the overall Cicero community reputation.

Without the pool amenity – which, if I read the minutes correctly, with the 1 to 4 vote on Mr. Lutz’s motion is off the table and no pool will be in Cicero again – it will be overall detrimental to the overall community spirit and reputation.

Jim Williams
