McMahons ask that you not bring your pets to concerts

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An open letter to local concert attendees:

We are so lucky to have free music venue opportunities here in the Noblesville area. Many residents take advantage of great facilities and talented musical groups bringing their music here for our enjoyment. We have attended many of these concerts at Dillon Park, Federal Hill Commons, and other locations nearby. We enjoy all kinds of music, rock, country, bluegrass, etc., and make frequent use of the opportunities available.

However, do you know that a loud concert can be up to and over 120 decibels? Sounds above 85 decibels can be harmful and/or uncomfortable to humans – imagine what it is like for your dog who is much more sensitive to sound. We have witnessed dogs brought to these venues which are obviously stressed by the noise; with their humans seemingly oblivious.

What is wrong with this picture? Why do dog owners feel compelled to parade their dogs around the venue? (We are happy to have a concert break away from our two wonderful dogs whom we love very much!) Why do sponsors of the concerts feel it necessary to allow dogs to the area? Do they feel that people will not attend if dogs are not allowed? Interestingly, Conner Prairie and Ruoff Music Center apparently are not seeing diminished crowds due to not allowing dogs at their concerts.

If you feel you must, for some unknown reason, bring your dog to such a venue as described above, perhaps you could sit as far back from the stage as possible, perhaps you could make sure you have plenty of fresh water available. (How sad to see these panting dogs not enjoying a concert while their ears are also being assaulted.) And finally, we encourage you to do your own research and inquire of your veterinarian regarding the sensitivity of your dog’s ears – you might be surprised.

Bruce and Sharon McMahon


1 Comment on "McMahons ask that you not bring your pets to concerts"

  1. Yvonne Cathcart | September 1, 2021 at 5:32 pm |

    I agree completely! I doubt that the puppies enjoy music anyway. Since they can’t express their feelings, give them a break. Leave them at home with their favorite treat and enjoy the music without them

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