The Environmental Protection Agency announced Wednesday that Carmel Mayor Jim Brainard has been appointed to the EPA Local Government Advisory Committee by Michael S. Regan, EPA administrator.
Mayor Brainard is one of 34 new members of a diverse group that includes 20 women, 16 people of color and representation from 30 different states, Tribal nations and U.S. territories.

“I am honored to be selected to serve on this committee representing city elected officials,” said Brainard. “I look forward to developing a stronger connection between our federal and local governments as we work to protect the environment and improve human health. It is important that we share the successes of what municipalities have achieved when it comes to protecting our land and water resources and determine how the federal government can assist in these goals.”
EPA Administrator Regan appointed Mayor Leirion Gaylor Baird of Lincoln, Neb., as the committee’s new chair and town manager Lisa Wong of Winchester, Mass., as vice chair.
“I’m honored to welcome this diverse, highly qualified group of local leaders who will bring valuable insight and experience to the Agency,” said Regan. “EPA is counting on their input and collaboration to help achieve our mission to protect public health and the environment in every zip code. From tackling climate change to advancing environmental justice, we need local partners at the table to address our most pressing environmental challenges.”
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