Fishers to pave northern portion of Nickel Plate Trail

The City of Fishers has announced that paving will begin next week on the northern portion of Fishers’ Nickel Plate Trail, extending from 131st Street to 146th Street.

Last fall, paving was completed on the portions of the trail extending from 106th Street to South Street, and from North Street to 131st Street. Paving of the northern portion will start the week of Aug. 31, beginning at 131st Street and moving north over the coming weeks. The project is anticipated to take approximately six weeks to complete, pending weather delays.

A speed table (roadway crossing) and pedestrian warning signal for motorists will be installed at 141st Street during this construction. Construction of the speed table, including a temporary closure of 141st Street at the Nickel Plate Trail, will occur over HSE Schools’ fall break, the week of Oct. 18, to minimize disruption to traffic flows.

Until paving is complete, this northern portion of the railbed remains closed and no trespassing is permitted. The northern portion is anticipated to be open for pedestrian use by the end of October.

More information about the Nickel Plate Trail project is available at