Cicero reader opposes “federal government takeover of voting”

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Dear Editor:

Message to the League of Women Voters of Hamilton County …

Have read your letter to the editor in the Reporter? You can’t be serious with your desires for passing the mass garbage and federal government takeover of voting!

The federal government has proven that they cannot do anything good, or for that matter above poor. The federal government is great at building another massive, overstaffed, power-grabbing bureaucracy. They create the problem then blame others, allowing for the politicians to pass laws that fix issues created by them. So, so sad, and another real reason for true statutory TERM LIMITS for all elected positions.

One remedy that may fix and repair the VOTER turnout issue is to make Election Day a paid national holiday, and if a working person cannot prove they voted, then no pay.

Voter ID is a mandatory issue and needed in all states. Just our thoughts from the cheap seats.

As a conservative, I can only hope Senator Young does not support the latest power grab of our federal house of crooks!

Jim Williams
