Indiana’s new Youth Employment System now in full effect

Indiana’s new youth-employment law is now fully in effect.

As of July 1, Indiana has eliminated work permits* completely, and now requires all employers with five or more minor employees (under age 18) to begin using the Indiana Department of Labor’s Youth Employment System (YES) to track and report minor-employee information.

YES has been available since June 1, and thousands of employers have already set up their accounts and collectively registered tens of thousands of minor employees. Employers who fail to comply with the new law could face penalties of up to $400 per infraction, per minor employee.

YES is simple and easy to use. Employers can access the app via their smart device, such as your smartphone or tablet, as well as their desktop or laptop. Once they’ve set up their employer profile, they can enter your minor data – name, age and hire date – within minutes.

*Indiana employers must keep all work permits issued prior to July 1, 2021 for two years.