A happy reunion

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I think many of us are enjoying joyous reunions this summer thanks to vaccines and other factors. Whether it’s family, friends, or both, getting back together with those we love – and finally, FINALLY hugging them – has been the absolute best feeling!

For those of us in the sandwich generation, it’s been even more meaningful, especially for our loved ones who were stuck inside assisted living facilities for most of last year.

Last Wednesday, my mother was reunited with her granddaughter (my niece Melissa) and seven of her great-grandchildren after 18 months. Melissa and her family live in North Carolina. They ordinarily visit every summer and Christmas, but due to stupid COVID-19, that didn’t happen in 2020.

Melissa has always been close to my mom. Even with a large family, she calls her often and sends her cards and special gifts in the mail. Many of these are homemade.

When she told me she’d be in town on June 30, I sprang into action! We decided we’d all meet at Federal Hill Commons for a picnic. I reserved the wonderful Hamilton County Express van to transport Mom in her wheelchair and began to count down the days.

Mother Nature, of course, had other ideas. When I saw the words “Heavy Rain” for Wednesday, I knew we had to come up with Plan B. There was no way Melissa, her husband, and seven kids could have visited Mom in her tiny apartment.

As I sat on my deck working on Tuesday morning, I looked at our new, 2 ½ car garage. I knew we had plenty of tables and chairs that we could set up inside. This would have to be Plan B, as we couldn’t have Mom visit with them inside our house due to our stairs.

I called Hamilton County Express, where a woman named Pam told me “maybe,” as Wednesdays are quite busy for them. Even this slight change might be challenging. I closed my eyes and said a prayer that things would work out.

By mid-afternoon, Pam had called me back and we were good to go! I thanked God and began to count down the hours.

I’m happy to say that everything went off without a hitch! My brother-in-law, Mike, also came down, which was a pleasant surprise for all. Mom had plenty of hugs and kisses, and I quietly wiped away tears of joy.

We had pizza and good conversation in our garage. Mom even got to hold Melissa’s youngest boy, Edmund, whom you get to see above. There’s nothing that brings her more joy than a baby.

The time, as always, flew by. But fortunately, Melissa is staying with Mike near South Bend for a few more weeks this summer and will be back for more Wednesdays in July.

Let’s hear it for happy reunions, family, friends, and Plan B!