Noblesville reader: Don’t fall for political opportunism behind Rokita’s Parents Bill of Rights

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Dear Editor:

Conservative political strategists loved to use transgender rights as a political wedge issue – that is until they found Critical Race Theory (CRT).

Virtually nobody else was talking about it and it’s not being taught in public schools in Indiana. That won’t stop those that never miss an opportunity to anger and divide people.

Noblesville Schools and other districts in Hamilton County began talking about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) last year following the George Floyd protests. The goal seemed worthwhile and uncontroversial, but opportunists like Rokita are equating any discussion about DEI as a backdoor method of teaching CRT and indoctrinating our children into a make-believe Marxist cabal.

Their premise is utterly false, but that’s beside the point. Steve Bannon, Trump, Rokita and the rest care only about getting votes. To cynical pundits and politicians like them, the ends always justify the means.

Reasonable, well-meaning Republicans like Holcomb and most of our local leaders are losing the battle against the cancer in the GOP. I heard Micah Beckwith on WIBC the other day and his faux anger did not hide his glee when scaring his listeners into believing that any discussion of race and racism in our schools is a secret plot by socialists to elevate the lives of people of color at the expense of white people.

I am disgusted with him and the rest.

I hope that the good people of Hamilton County will not give in to hate and allow themselves to be divided by self-serving politicians.

Chris Davis
