Reaffirming Prevail’s commitment to confront racism


Prevail Inc. Executive Director

Guest Columnist

About a year ago, I wrote and released a statement from Prevail taking a stand by affirming Black Lives Matter and committing to courageously confront racism.

At that time, I affirmed the statement from the Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence:

“All forms of violence and oppression are connected, and you cannot fight against one form of injustice and not fight against others. The calls for accountability must be heard from all corners of society, including from within the anti-violence movement. We cannot end violence without addressing the power disparities caused by racism and discrimination.”

I also stated that Prevail was actively working on what our role is in the anti-racism and racial justice space in our community.

Prevail also celebrated National Police Appreciation Week last month by delivering goodies to all our local law enforcement partners. Prevail continues to be thankful for our partnerships with competent and caring law enforcement agencies and personnel – and we are saddened by the deaths of Black and Brown bodies at the hands of law enforcement.

Over the past year, Prevail staff have participated in numerous initiatives to move toward the goal of being an anti-racist organization. There has been significant investment of the time, energy, and dollars in this initiative.

I am resisting the urge to list all the ways that Prevail has attempted to move toward racial justice in the last year because I also want to acknowledge that I haven’t always gotten it right. In fact, that is what the journey toward racial justice requires – being willing to stumble and get back up and keep going. During this time, we’ve repeatedly been witness to tragedy, resulting from terrible inequities built into our systems.

Most importantly, Prevail has identified social justice as one of our core values and we are committed to eliminating barriers and increasing equity in access, participation, and rights. We have engaged with a racial equity firm, Favorite Part of My Day, who is helping us to move boldly toward being anti-racist and practicing equity in all things.

In that statement a year ago, I proclaimed that Prevail is committed to creating safe, healing, supportive spaces for all our clients, and even extending that responsibility into creating those spaces for the community. On many Prevail materials, you will see our description something like this: Prevail is committed to offering crisis intervention and restorative support services for those who have experienced crime and abuse, free of charge, in a confidential, supportive, non-judgmental environment that is meant to empower those we serve.

In the future, you will see that description followed by this statement: We know this work must be grounded in building a community that actively promotes authentic wellbeing for all its members and boldly moves toward being anti-racist and practicing equity in all things. This is a reminder to those of us who work at Prevail, and a commitment to our community that we will continue to strive toward justice for all.

2 Comments on "Reaffirming Prevail’s commitment to confront racism"

  1. Betty Demichieli | June 18, 2021 at 9:20 am |

    A boy came to prevail to seek counseling after having been abused in the worse way and not knowing who ur where to turn. Guess what, since he was the only boy, prevailing turned him away saying there was nothing u could do for him because u had no other boys there. Its a shame. Prevailing picks and choises who they will help. No referrals to anyone else either. Now he is 23, ans struggles every day of his life because u didn’t care enough to help him. If there are any doctors who could help with his mental health today, it might work or at least help, after being turned away from the only place in noblesville, Prevail. Aspire was a joke too. Now he suffers in silence. Thanks for prevails lies about them wanting to help victims. Its all about the money I’m sure. Since he had none.

  2. Lawrence Snair III | June 23, 2021 at 4:20 pm |

    Everyone knows the elephant in the room, which is Prevail is a VERY anti male group that uses our taxes and additional donations to attack mostly white heterosexual males in Hamilton County. They hide behind the sometimes good and important work helping some abused women and bully Organizations for support. Such duties need to be government provided to prevent such biased “services”.

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