Hamilton County Youth Service Awards scheduled for May 24

Winner will receive $1,000 scholarship

The 28th annual Hamilton County Youth Service Awards ceremony will take place at 4:15 p.m. on Monday, May 24 at the Government & Judicial Center in Noblesville. A recording of the ceremony will also be posted to Hamilton County’s Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram pages.

The ceremony is sponsored by the Hamilton County Commissioners and the Hamilton County Council on Alcohol and Other Drugs (HCCOAOD) as part of their ongoing efforts to recognize outstanding service by youth in the community.

“We are proud of each of the applicants that have chosen to lead a drug-free lifestyle and contribute their time to help make positive changes in the lives of others,” HCCOAOD Executive Director Monica Greer said.

Each school’s winner was selected by the school’s counseling department. This year’s nominees include Felicia Sanders from Carmel High School, Brian Zachary from Hamilton Heights High School, Mya McGavic from Noblesville High School, Cameron Ney from Sheridan High School, and Claire Davis from Westfield High School.

A selection committee made up of employees of the probation department screened the applications using a set criterion to select an overall winner of the $1,000 scholarship. Each finalist not selected as the overall winner will receive a $300 scholarship.