Jeff Kozicki: A year as a Lion

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Dear Editor:

A year ago, I did something that I would not have expected to do in the middle of a pandemic. I joined the Noblesville Lions Club. Joining was not something I had ever really thought about. I knew of the Lions, having seen them in parades and other events, but didn’t really know much about the organization or what they did.

When I was asked to consider joining, the request came from someone I have great respect for, so I attended a few meetings to see what it was all about before joining.

What I found was a group of people from all over Noblesville who were first and foremost having fun. They meet as a group twice a month on the second and fourth Wednesdays. While these were done on Zoom for a lot of 2020, over the summer they did meet in person for most meetings at a shelter in Forest Park and since have been meeting at Ginger’s Restaurant on South 10th Street. The meetings provide a great mix of social interaction, discussion of club business and events, and speakers on a variety of topics relevant to our community, including very informative talks from organizations including the Hazardous Waste Department, the Humane Society, Gleaner’s Food Bank and the Chief of Police.

One of the things I liked best is the casual atmosphere. Everyone is glad to see and talk with each other. While they hope to have everyone attend meetings, there is a genuine sense of concern and caring for those who aren’t there. Each member has a Sponsor who is there to answer questions and help them become comfortable with the club.

The Lions Club International slogan is “We Serve.” I feel the Noblesville club personifies this statement. The first way they serve is to other club members. This may be done as simply as asking “How are you doing?” or calling or sending a card to someone they haven’t seen in a while.

The second way they serve is to the community. This includes events such as cleaning their adopted roads twice a year and volunteering to handle trash pickup and hauling for the annual Street Dance. They also provide, free of charge, eye screening for students in first, third, and fifth grade in the elementary schools and at local pre-schools. This year, they are also working with several other organizations to plant trees around Noblesville. They also annually give several scholarships to graduating Seniors from Noblesville and Hamilton Heights High Schools.

The third way they serve is nationally and internationally by raising money that goes to efforts all over, from helping families when tornados hit the Midwest, donating and distributing food for local food banks, such as Fueled for School, to donating eye glasses and supplies to those worldwide who can’t afford them.

For all of the service they do, the focus is on gratitude for any help that can be given. No one can be involved in everything and no one is expected to be a part of every activity. They are glad you are there and appreciative of any help given. The prevailing attitude is “we each do what we can.” For some that may be physical labor. For others it may be reading to the elderly or just talking with someone.

If you have ever said to yourself “I wish there was something I could do to help,” then I encourage you to take a look at the Lions Club. There are lots of groups around that do a lot of good work in the community and each person needs to find the one (or several) that are best for them. I am glad I was asked to join the Lions and am enjoying being a part of this community.

If you would like more information, please contact Steve Craig at Also, the Lions Club will hold its annual Pork Chop Dinner on June 4 on the Square in Noblesville from 11 a.m. until 7 p.m., and the annual Pancake Breakfast the next morning, June 5, from 7 until 11 a.m., also on the Square. This year both events will have a special drive-up lane for to-go orders and credit cards will be accepted. Hope to see you there.

Lion Jeff Kozicki
