Virtual meeting for women ‘ready to run’ for public office

Hoosiers interested in seeing more women elected to office are encouraged to attend Ready to Run Indiana, a virtual training session to be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, May 22.

The bipartisan training will feature talks from experts on such topics as fundraising, recruiting volunteers, navigating party politics, preparing family members and more.

“Indiana has never elected a female governor, we’ve sent only a handful of women to Congress, and only 21 percent of Indiana’s state legislators are female, which is below the national average,” said Rima Shahid, executive director of Women4Change. “This training is designed to equip women so they are armed with information, contacts and data to become more involved.”

The training is appropriate for anyone of any age who’s interested in running for all levels of office, getting appointed to public boards and commissions, working on candidate or issue campaigns, or learning more about the political system.

The cost to attend the virtual meeting is $20 for adults and $10 for students, but full scholarships are available upon request. Visit to register.

Ready to Run Indiana is part of a national network of Ready to Run programming founded by the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University to recruit and train women to become more involved in politics.