Noblesville girls lacrosse beats Chatard

Noblesville's Emma Potter scored four goals and had nine draw controls during the Millers girls lacrosse team's Tuesday night win over Bishop Chatard. (Kent Graham)

The Noblesville girls lacrosse team beat Bishop Chatard 17-12 Tuesday night at Beaver Material Fields.
The Millers led 10-6 at halftime, then scored the last two goals of the game. Brooke Miller, Rheagan Haney and Emma Potter all scored four goals, Chloe Barnett had two goals and two assists, while Mallory Miller dished out two assists to go with one goal. Maddie Christie and Maya Hill each added one goal. Nataley Blackburn made one assist.
Potter had nine draw controls for the game, along with two ground balls and two forced turnovers. Haney helped out with two forced turnovers and one ground ball, while Hill collected two ground balls.
Christie got three draw controls, followed by Mallory Miller with two and Sidney Klinger with one. Christie also picked up one ground ball, as did Barnett.
In the junior varsity game, Noblesville’s JV Black team finished its season by winning 7-3. Maddie Frost and Brianna Miller both scored two goals, while Avery Pohlman had one goal and one assist. Ashley Nickloy and Kaelyn Seyfried each scored once.
Lila Julian picked up five ground balls and made four forced turnovers. Miller and Ava McCall each collected three ground balls.
The Millers varsity team is now 11-2 and plays at Fishers Thursday in the regular-season finale.