Noblesville Schools names 2021 Teachers of the Year

Noblesville Schools has named four educators as 2021 Teachers of the Year. The teachers were nominated by their principals and were selected for the honor by a committee of administrators.

The winners are:

  • David Kimmel, fifth grade teacher, North Elementary (elementary winner and overall district winner)
  • Paige Simonetto, first grade teacher, Stony Creek Elementary (elementary winner)
  • Mieke Kendrick, English language learner collaborative teacher, Noblesville East Middle School (middle school winner)
  • Katherine Hahn, art teacher, Noblesville High School, (high school winner)

David Kimmel

Kimmel says he is driven by the mission of putting his students’ best interests ahead of all else. He is a master at finding students who most need him, building strong relationships, bringing curriculum to life, and guiding others to be successful. He provides invaluable student mentorship during his lunch hours, via weekend Zoom calls, and through the young men’s leadership group he created. A highly skilled educator, an active athletic volunteer and a liaison who meets with community members every morning, he exemplifies the best in teaching.

Paige Simonetto

Soft-spoken and extremely organized, Simonetto’s classroom and instruction are a model for what the most highly effective teaching and learning should look like. She is deeply dedicated to her students, coming into school in the middle of the night to prepare high-quality plans for them if she is not able to be in class the next day. She takes advantage of every opportunity to continue her own professional learning and to challenge herself. A leader among her peers and on district committees, she is an engaging, committed and thoughtful educator.

Mieke Kendrick

Kendrick goes above and beyond in building rapport with students while motivating them to grow academically and in their adoption of English. She works directly with families and other teachers to create support systems and practices that best serve students. A leader in district diversity and English language learner initiatives, she is fluent in multiple languages and is known for her passionate and visionary approach to education. She remains a trusted mentor to former students who continue to depend on her expertise and guidance.

Katherine Hahn

Hahn inspires all of her students, even if art “isn’t their thing.” Her masterful classroom lessons meet students where they are and her high level of engagement fosters in them a strong motivation to excel. She is known for her advocacy to bring student art outside the walls of the high school and into the community through partnerships with Nickel Plate Arts, Noble Coffee and district staff. A well-respected leader in her department and among colleagues in her building, she is a focused, knowledgeable and caring teacher.

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The four educators were selected to represent different academic levels. One of this year’s elementary winners, David Kimmel, was further distinguished as the overall district winner. Two teachers were chosen at the elementary level to reflect the fact that approximately 50 percent of Noblesville Schools teachers are at the elementary level.

Selection focused on master teachers who excel at putting Noblesville Schools’ mission and vision into action and whose accomplishments align well with the Indiana Department of Education’s state Teacher of the Year criteria.

The winners regularly demonstrate the highest levels of quality instruction for their students and leadership among their peers. They will be honored at a Noblesville Schools Education Foundation recognition dinner in May.

As the overall district honoree, Kimmel will also participate in the state Teacher of the Year competition.

In honor of teacher challenges managing COVID, the Indiana Department of Education waived the traditional competition last year in favor of naming all teachers in the state “Teacher of the Year.”  Therefore, Noblesville Schools’ 2020 overall Teacher of Year winner Jill Maynard will also represent the district in this year’s state competition.

Noblesville Schools employs approximately 700 teachers.