Volunteers needed for Blue Grass FWA property cleanup

The DNR Division of Fish & Wildlife and the Friends of Blue Grass FWA group are searching for volunteers to help with the cleanup of Blue Grass Fish & Wildlife Area at 9 a.m. CDT on Saturday, April 10.

While working, volunteers can learn more about Friends of Blue Grass FWA’s plans for the property. The group’s mission is to enhance and protect the unique recreational and natural resources at Blue Grass FWA for the wildlife, local community, and future generations through education, interpretation, and support. During the cleanup day, the Friends will sell raffle tickets for a NuCanoe Flint kayak, which was provided by NuCanoe and 2nd Casts Outfitters.

Friends president Adam Cartwright says he is excited to begin the partnership with this property-wide clean up event.

“Blue Grass FWA is a unique property that deserves aid from the local community,” Cartwright said. “Fundraising efforts and donations through Friends of Blue Grass FWA will be used to preserve and improve the property for current users and future generations. We plan to invest in projects including a boat dock/fishing platform, additional bird nesting locations, and more hiking trails. Please join us in supporting our local public lands.”

Volunteers will meet at Parking Lot 16 to begin cleanup efforts. The rain date is Saturday, April 17 at the same time and location. Learn more and register for the clean-up day through the Division of Fish & Wildlife’s CERVIS system at bit.ly/30VkLTz. To use this system, you will need to create a free account if you haven’t already.

“I’m excited to begin this partnership between DNR and the Friends of Blue Grass FWA,” said Hillary Bulcher, property manager. “The partnership will help us bring about some major improvements to the property and provide a way for visitors to voice their concerns and suggestions.”

Learn more about Friends of Blue Grass FWA, including how to join, at fb.me/FoBGFWA. For more information about the property, see on.IN.gov/bluegrassfwa.