Aspire Indiana Health, Hope Academy partner for teen mental health, counseling services

Aspire Indiana Health, a fully-integrated nonprofit healthcare provider, and Hope Academy, Indiana’s only recovery high school, are now working together to provide Indianapolis area teens with mental health and counseling services. The partnership between the two nonprofits allows Hope Academy students impacted by substance abuse and addiction access to licensed therapists and social workers during the school day.

“We understand that when our young people’s mental health is at risk, their sobriety is also at risk,” said Hope Academy Executive Director Rachelle Gardner. “Partnering with Aspire ensures that our students have access to a mental health professional when they need help – and we know that time is always of the essence with our student population.”

Aspire Therapists and Care Coordinator Life Skills Instructors (CCLSI) are currently providing virtual counseling services to several Hope Academy students through the partnership. Aspire also offers additional support services that students and their families may need to address other areas of their overall health and wellbeing.

“Aspire is fully integrated healthcare provider, which means we offer primary care, rehabilitation, social services and recovery services,” said Aspire President and CEO Barbara Scott. “As our clinicians meet with students and their families, they are able to help them address immediate issues as well as access other health services. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.”

In addition to one-on-one and family counseling services, Aspire will provide education-based programming and training opportunities for Hope Academy teachers.

About Hope Academy

Hope Academy is tuition-free, public charter high school in Indianapolis for teens in recovery from substance-use disorders. The mission of Hope Academy is to provide a safe, sober and challenging academic experience. Learn more at

About Aspire

Aspire Indiana Health is a fully-integrated nonprofit health system serving Central Indiana that addresses behavioral health, primary medical care, substance use disorders, infectious diseases, deaf services, veteran programs, abused/neglected children and social determinants of health such as housing and employment. Aspire is supported by a strong network of community organizations, state/federal entities and generous benefactors. Those interested in partnering with Aspire in making health and well-being a reality in Central Indiana are encouraged to email info@aspireindi​