The parable of burnt biscuits


From the Heart

“Well, I’m not going to let that burn my biscuits.”

– Janet Hart Leonard

We were leaving the house and I said that to Chuck as we got into his little red Ford Focus. He smiled.

I asked him if he was waiting for an explanation. I proceeded to explain it to him before he had a chance to answer.

You see, if you get busy in the kitchen and are not paying attention to the biscuits in the oven … they will get burnt. You’ve left them in too long because you were distracted. You’ve wasted your time and energy.

If you are busy worrying about something, you may just neglect what you really need to be doing. Worry is a thief that zaps you of your energy, both mentally and physically.

If you have an opinion about something that you can’t do anything about you may just be wasting your breath.

An opinion should be weighed and measured before giving it. How valuable is my opinion? How will it be received? Will it make a difference? Deaf ears burn a lot of biscuits.

Both worry and opinions can get you distracted from what is right in front of you that needs tending. Are they worth it?

Thus, you burn your biscuits.

The whole burnt biscuits thought is tied to the Serenity Prayer.

Worry and opinions, at my age, come naturally. Sometimes, I pray for the Lord to keep me from worrying. Sometimes I pray for Him to give me wisdom to know when to speak my opinion. Sometimes I fail to consult Him on either. And boy, do my biscuits get burnt.

The thing is that I can’t help but worry about the people I hold dear to my heart. I have a mama’s heart for three generations. My kids. My grandkids. And now my great-grandkids.

What legacy will I leave them? Did I make a difference in my family and in my village of friends?

I can’t help but worry about the future. The sand in my hour glass has more at the bottom than the top. The world is so different today than when I was growing up.

My opinions come from how I was raised and the values I was taught. I do know a few burnt biscuits have been worth it.

I guess my recipe for good biscuits and a good life are the same … just a bit old-fashioned. Measure well and watch over and share with the people I love.

And if I burn a few biscuits … that’s okay.