Joe Weingarten: What’s so hard to understand about a background check?

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Dear Editor:

In response to Mike Pflum’s letter

No, we don’t hold you or almost all gun owners responsible for the mass killing of people by guns. All we ask is that you and your fellow gun owners submit to a background check before you buy a gun. What is so hard about that?

Do you have a driver license? Oh, BTW before you buy that bottle of wine, you have to pass a test, an age test. Are you willing to go to a doctor that has no license to practice medicine? Or the many other licenses that are here to protect the public?

You say people texting kill hundreds more than a lone gunman … hate to burst your bubble, but about 40,000 a year die of gunshots and about 39,000 of vehicle accidents.

So, before you claim the 2nd Amendment gives you a total exemption of any and all laws about guns – You can’t own a military machine gun without a special permit. Why should you own an assault rifle without one?

I almost forgot; do you have a license plate on your car? Didn’t you also have to provide proof of insurance? Why can’t we have a license plate for guns? To ensure that a responsible person owns that gun.

You state that “72 million (gun owners) were at home engaged in normal, day-to-day actives.” Sorry, but today about 110 people died of a gunshot. Tomorrow another 110 will die, and the next day after day.

Don’t forget before you go hunting you will have to get that license form DNR. Are you in fear you will fail a simple background check?

Maybe 10 people in King Soopers would still be alive today.

Joe Weingarten


4 Comments on "Joe Weingarten: What’s so hard to understand about a background check?"

  1. Mari Briggs | March 26, 2021 at 6:46 am |

    Just to let you know Joe, all professional gun dealers do background checks before selling guns. I don’t believe your 40,000 number of gun deaths. And when it comes to voting, all American citizens need Voter ID’s before voting; this will weed out the non-citizens with proof of citizenship. This compares to all the licenses you are touting.

  2. Jim Meacham | March 26, 2021 at 2:04 pm |

    A background check IS run prior to a firearm purchase. It’s called a Form 4773.
    Had Hunter Biden truthfully filled his 4773 out and DoD properly reported his illegal drug use (the reason he was kicked out of the US Military) he would have been denied the purchase.

    I wonder if Hunter’s daddy will allow his son’s prosecution under federal law for lying on the 4773 ???

  3. Mr Winegarten. Apparently you are not familiar with the process to by a firearm. Just like every other law abiding citizen I have to pass a mandated background check to purchase a firearm…each of the 30 plus times I have bought a gun. If you have a felony on your record you will not pass a background check and will head to the streets to buy one from another criminal to help him support his drug habit. The old saying goes “if guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns”

  4. Terry Denton Wade | April 8, 2021 at 9:44 am |

    Joe Winegarten writes why shouldn’t you have to have a special permit to own an “Assault Rifle”.
    The so called “Assault Rifle” the media and the Democratic Party refers to is a semi automatic rifle. The same type of rifle in millions of homes in the U.S.
    If the rifle was fully automatic,you would need a special ATF permit. The term “Assault Rifle” was made up by those who thought the AR on the AR 15 rifle meant Asault Rifle.The AR was an abbreviation for the original developer of the rifle, Armalite.

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