Fishers Arts & Culture Commission looks for way forward after “rough” meeting


The Fishers Arts & Culture Commission President David Decker described the March 5 meeting as “rough.” It is not clear why. No video of that session is available at this time.

It is clear that the commission met with Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness Wednesday evening to find a way forward after that “rough” commission meeting. The mayor plans to reduce the involvement of his staff at each commission session and allow the members of that body to create the right balance of city support for local artists and allow the Arts & Culture Commission room, finding ways to help the artists.

The mayor described a way to build a bridge between the arts community in Fishers and the city through the work of the commission.

Members of the commission expressed support for the mayor’s offer to allow the panel room to grow without as much city staff involvement.

Fadness also pointed out that Tom Rich, President of the Fishers Arts Council, is part of City Councilman Todd Zimmerman’s group asking for community comments on what is needed in a new city community center and how the arts will fit into that concept.

This is how the city website describes the role of the commission:

The City of Fishers Common Council established The Commission with the purpose to “assist the City in becoming a community in which arts and cultural activities are recognized as vital components of community life, valued and promoted for their economic benefits, and represent and integral part of establishing a vibrant community and lifelong learning”. The Arts & Culture Commission is the nexus between the local government and the residents of the city, bridging the public and private partnership.

The commission was established in 2018 and has been meeting every other month.