Rep. Cook says full funding for virtual public school students could soon be reality

Legislation to fully fund students attending school virtually due to COVID-19 could soon be law, according to State Rep. Tony Cook (R-Cicero).


Under current law, public schools receive 85 percent of tuition support per virtual student, which is defined as a child learning 50 percent or more of their instruction online. Cook said this legislation would provide 100 percent of the state’s tuition support for students at public schools who have gone to virtual instruction for part or all of the 2020-2021 academic year, so long as those students weren’t already learning virtually prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Our students and educators have done an outstanding job over the past year as they’ve quickly pivoted to help slow the spread of this virus,” Rep. Cook said. “Fully funding our schools regardless of whether a district is operating online or in-person during the COVID-19 pandemic was a top priority for lawmakers, and now, we are one step closer to seeing this effort become law.”

Senate Enrolled Act 2 now heads to the governor for consideration as a new law. Visit to learn more.