Fishers COVID community risk rating lowered to Level 3

After many months at the Level 4 – or red, the highest COVID community risk level – Fishers is now lowered to Level 3, or orange, based on an announcement Tuesday evening by the Fishers Health Department (FHD).

“It’s definitely been a long winter where we saw huge spikes in (COVID) cases, case incidence rate and other metrics,” said FHD Epidemiologist Joshua Robinson in a video update posted late Tuesday evening. “Thankfully, rates have been declining over the last few weeks, and this is definitely due in part to your continued support following public health mitigation strategies.”

Robinson urges Fishers residents to continue the mitigation strategies of wearing masks, social distancing and hand washing. He says the major metrics have been going down over the past few weeks.

Over the past 14 days, 133 new COVID cases have been reported in Fishers. Testing remains available within a day, with test results coming back in less than two days.

The health care capacity numbers continue to be favorable, according to Robinson, with hospital bed usage in our geographic area declining.

Click here to watch the entire video message.