Joe Weingarten suggests Spartz “has nothing to do with everyday Americans”

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Dear Editor:

Rep. Spartz votes against helping people with the COVID-19 relief package and is upset that the Democrats rejected her amendments.

She claimed the relief package was full of items that had nothing to do with the pandemic. Yet not one of her amendments have anything to do with COVID-19.

Let’s take a look “improve government transparency and accountability, assist juvenile justice and foster care systems, and address concerns with standardized testing.” She went on to say “this bill does not address the concerns of everyday Americans.” So increased money for vaccines, money for small business, increased money for unemployment and direct payments to struggling Americans. According to her it appears these have nothing to do “everyday Americans.”

Maybe Rep. Spartz has nothing to do with everyday Americans.

Joe Weingarten


Hamilton Co. Democratic Party Chair

1 Comment on "Joe Weingarten suggests Spartz “has nothing to do with everyday Americans”"

  1. Dan Montgomery | March 3, 2021 at 7:33 am |

    We should go to her local office to discuss…oh wait! She’s NEVER OPENED an office in her district!?

    How can you “represent” us without public access? What a joke. Once again the GOP has stuck us with a do nothing person that’s only interested in enriching herself.

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