Shaffer: “Carmel voters have had it with mayoral hypotheticals”

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Dear Editor:

Among the many vague, hypothetical speculations the mayor of Carmel presented in defense of his proposed $125 million additional debt, the most vague refers to a possible need for a branch Hamilton County courtroom.

This would be shoehorned into the proposed $40 million-plus police station annex – should the county need it.

Nothing in writing thus far from the county or the court or even one of the sycophants supporting mayoral musings.

Carmel voters have had it with mayoral hypotheticals. There is the hypothetical Palladium that was to have cost taxpayers nothing as $17 million would appear from donors and foundations. When none was forthcoming, taxpayers were on the hook for the eventual, $262 million tab.

Then there is the hypothetical demand for a luxury hotel buried in an inaccessible corner of a sleepy suburb of a big city with lots of luxury of its own to offer.

Carmel voters soon will be offered the hypothetical need for a zeppelin base or a SpaceX port.

How a rational city council person could support this third round of vagueness worries me.

Bill Shaffer
