Weingarten wonders if Rep. Spartz forgot what she campaigned against

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Dear Editor:

Representative Victoria Spartz tweeted on Feb 2: “There is no real debate, deliberation, or ability to propose amendments. Today’s rule is an example of partisanship and complete dictatorship by the Democrat leadership.”

It appears she has not looked back at the last four years of where the Republican-controlled Congress did this day in and day out with blind allegiance to the President. Now she also voted to forgive a President who tried to overthrow the government of the United States and enhance authoritarianism … exactly what she campaigned against. Maybe she already forgot.

Joe Weingarten

Hamilton County Democratic Party Chair


5 Comments on "Weingarten wonders if Rep. Spartz forgot what she campaigned against"

  1. Sorry Joe, she is right on the money, Republicans have no means to bring up, a vote , in Pelosi’s poorly of dictatorship! Pay attention

  2. I place much more faith in Representative Spartz’s experience of escaping socialism as a young person, than those who favor it because they read a couple books in educational settings.

  3. ‘Merrit Garland’ is pretty much all one needs to know about republicans behavior in Congress.
    And then they complain about the unfairness of it all. Beyond laughable.

    • Due to Harry Ried’s ‘Nuclear Option’… Three(3) appointees to SCOTUS.

      I don’t have to like it either, but each time the House or Senate Rules get changed by Democrats for expediency, the long ball result is disaster. The removing of an ‘R’ form committee assignments will have a trickle-down that is going to be a bumpy road.

      • Congress has never met an ‘unintended consequence’ they didn’t like.
        To the detriment of U.S. all.

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