Westfield Advisory and Planning Commission discusses six projects

Westfield’s first Advisory and Planning Commission meeting of 2021, held on Monday, highlighted six public hearings. Items discussed included the following: 

Sanders Glen Neighborhood (171st Street)

A total of 90 lots (40 single family, 50 senior) on 9.5 acres. Board concerns were too high of density, no open space, doesn’t fit the area and no connection to Sanders Glen.

Lancaster Phase 2 (NE corner 186th Street/Casey Road)

Also 90 additional lots with 2.5 per acre (was 2.8). Amenities would tie into the current Lancaster PUD that is under construction. Concern expressed by board members was the added traffic for the area.

Maple Knoll Amendment (Meijer area)

Sent to city council with a favorable recommendation. This is a sign variance for the Meijer outlots.

Lantern Commons (NE corner 161st Street/U.S. 31)

Mixed use development on 61 acres. This area was previously approved in 2001 and 2007 for a commercial center similar to the Walmart area (80 percent deforestation). The new proposal has five possible areas; senior living, offices, commercial/retail, hotel/HQ and multifamily. Board concerns were its location being one of the last viable 31 options, preservation of trees/nature, architecture, best use of space, being good neighbors and having a more concrete proposal.

Wheeler Landing Amendment

Modifies certain standards for a 214-unit apartment complex on 7.65 acres directly south of the YMCA. All are improvements, no concerns mentioned.

UDO Amendment

City Council is requesting APC to make a change that would allow a Sunset Clause on future projects. No action was taken at Monday’s meeting.