Teen Task Force updates ‘Show Some C.L.A.S.S.’ acronym

Students encouraged to make time for self-care, learn about vaccines

Teen Task Forces at Hamilton County high schools have been encouraging their peers to “Show Some C.L.A.S.S.” in the fight against COVID-19 since the beginning of the school year. The original C.L.A.S.S. acronym encouraged students to (C)heck their temperatures, (L)ead by example, (A)void large gatherings, (S)chedule a COVID-19 test, and (S)tay home when they are sick.

But as students headed back to class for the second semester and as COVID-19 vaccines come online, teen leaders felt it was time to update the acronym. The new C.L.A.S.S acronym stands for:

  • C – COMMIT TO SELF-CARE. Take time to check on your physical and mental health. Teens often underestimate the importance of a good diet, exercise, and sleep and the potential effect that may have on their mental health.
  • L – LEARN ABOUT THE VACCINE. Pediatric clinical trials will start soon on the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Teens are encouraged to talk to their parents and healthcare providers.
  • A – AVOID IN-HOME GATHERINGS. Private parties and in-home gatherings are the leading cause of transmission. Visit with people outside your immediate family in public spaces.
  • S – SOCIAL DISTANCE AND MASK UP. Combined with hand washing, these two habits are the best protection teens have from the COVID-19 virus at the current moment.
  • S – STAY HOME. Stay home if you are sick, have been a close contact to someone with COVID-19, or are waiting for the results of a COVID-19 test.


“The new year offers new hope, but also pandemic fatigue,” said Westfield High School senior Jake Richardson. “We want our student body to take time for themselves and know it’s okay to not be okay. And although some of us are still too young to receive the vaccine, it’s certainly not too early to start thinking about it.”

The Show Some C.L.A.S.S. campaign was launched in August in schools across Hamilton County to encourage students to adopt healthy habits that would help slow the transmission of the virus among their peers. Most of those schools, through the students’ adoption of the acronym, were able to keep schools open for the entire first semester. They’re hoping to have the same good fortune this semester.

“The kids really want to be in school,” said Beth Ellis with Westfield Washington Schools. “And they’re willing to do whatever they need to be here. I think a lot of adults underestimate the interest our kids have in the pandemic and the passion they have for being part of the solution. This campaign allows them some ownership over it.”

If you are interested in learning more about the Show Some C.L.A.S.S. campaign, please visit showsomeclass.org.